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By: X. Avogadro, MD
Clinical Director, Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Figure 1 Doppler echocardiography of mitral filling pattern (upper panel) together with tissue Doppler-assessed mitral annular velocities (lower panel) showing representative traces of normal allergy symptoms in children purchase 100 mcg rhinocort overnight delivery, impaired relaxation and pseudonormal mitral filling pattern allergy symptoms in dogs skin order rhinocort overnight. E; early left ventricular filling allergy forecast for chicago buy rhinocort 100mcg low price, A; atrial or late ventricular filling, Ea; early diastolic mitral annulus velocity. These patterns of segmental dysfunction may vary depending on the coronary dominance pattern and the site of coronary artery disease. Patients with coronary artery disease frequently have normal left ventricular function at rest. Diagnosis of coronary artery disease using stress echocardiography is based on the induction of a decreased myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio resulting in new or worsening segmental systolic wall motion abnormalities. Depending on patient characteristics (capability of exercise) and echolab logistics, physical exercise (treadmill or bicycle) or pharmacological (inotropic stress: dobutamine; vasodilator stress: adenosine, dipyridamole) stress testing can be performed. Exercise echocardiography has a mean sensitivity and specificity of 84 and 82%, respectively, while dobutamine echocardiography has a mean sensitivity and specificity of 80 and 84%, respectively, to detect coronary artery disease (3). The accuracy of stress echocardiography is highly dependent on endocardial border definition. In the case of a suboptimal acoustic window, improved endocardial border delineation can be obtained by using Second harmonic imaging. Besides diagnosis and assessment of the location and extent of myocardial ischemia, stress echocardiography is used for the preoperative risk evaluation in major noncardiac surgery and for the assessment of myocardial viability. Identification of dysfunctional but viable myocardium (as opposed to necrotic myocardium) has important prognostic value and is predictive of the recovery of function after revascularization. Indicators of myocardial viability include contractile reserve to inotropic stimulation (augmentation of regional myocardial function) and preserved myocardial thickness (>6 mm). Myocardial Infarction In the emergency department, echocardiography is essential in the bedside evaluation of a patient with chest pain (but a nondiagnostic electrocardiogram). In the acute phase of myocardial infarction, the affected myocardium is dysfunctional (akinetic, hypokinetic, or dyskinetic) but wall thickness is still preserved. Twodimensional echocardiography has, in addition, prognostic implications and the amount of myocardial dysfunction allows estimation of the amount of myocardium at risk. If wall motion during chest pain is normal, the likelihood of acute myocardial infarction remains low. Echocardiography is also useful in detecting other causes of chest pain such as: pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, and aortic dissection. Besides assessment of left ventricular dysfunction, twodimensional echocardiography with Doppler is the primary imaging technique for the initial evaluation of postmyocardial infarction complications: right ventricular involvement, free wall rupture, ventricular septal rupture, papillary muscle rupture causing acute flail mitral leaflet, pericardial effusion and tamponade, intraventricular thrombus, and false and true ventricular aneurysm. Transesophageal imaging is often necessary to visualize mechanical complications such as muscular rupture. After several weeks, myocardial infarction results in thinning and increased intensity of the involved segments. A nontransmural myocardial infarction may result in hypokinesia rather than akinesia. Expansion of the infarction zone, global left ventricular dilatation and distortion, together with segmental compensatory hypertrophy, is referred to as postinfarction remodeling. Due to left ventricular dilatation and/or ischemia, mitral regurgitation is often present in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Doppler interrogation of the mitral filling pattern helps guide therapy, including diuretics. Depressed left ventricular ejection fraction, mitral regurgitation, and restrictive mitral filling pattern are associated with a poor prognosis and cardiac death. Eur Heart J 25:81536 Myocardial infarction redefined A consus document of the Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the redefinition of myocardial infarction. Stenosis, Artery, Renal Islet Cells Transplantation In pancreatic islet transplantation, pancreatic cells are taken from a donor and transferred into the recipient. In this procedure, islet is removed from pancreas of a deceased donor by means of specialized enzymes. Because the islets are extremely fragile, transplantation occurs immediately after they are removed. The surgeon uses ultrasound to guide placement of a catheter through the upper abdomen and into the liver; the islets are then injected through the catheter into the liver. Nowadays the procedure is still experimental and more research is needed to answer questions about how long the islets will survive and how often the transplantation procedure will be successful.
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Gk pikros bitter + -in 1: bitter substance gentiopicrin 2: substance related to picric acid chloropicrin picto- combining form L pictus past part. Gk pith kos: ape in generic names Sivapithecus plac- or placo- combining form Gk plak-, plako- flat surface, tablet, fr. L podium 1: one having a specified kind of foot or part resembling a foot in generic names Chenopodium Lycopodium 2: foot: footlike part pleuropodium -podous adj combining form Gk -pod-, -pous having such or so many feet + E -ous more at: having such or so many feet: -footed acanthopodous hexapodous poecil- or poecilo- or poikil- or poikilo- combining form Gk poikil-, poikilo-, fr. Gk -pteros -pterous: one having such wings or winglike structures in generic names Chaetopterus Trachypterus pteryg- or pterygo- combining form Gk, fr. L akin to L quattuor four 1 a: four quadriliteral quadrual b: square quadric c: - quadribasic 2: fourth quadricentennial 3: quadric quadricone quart- combining form L, fr. L radius ray 1 a: radial: radially radiosymmetrical radiolitic b: radial and radiobicipital 2 a: radiant energy: radiation radioactive radioder- ranimatitis b: radioactive radioelement c: radium: X rays radiotherapy d: radioactive isotope esp. L retro more at -: subsequent: rear rere-banquet resino- combining form L resina resin 1: resin resinography resinogenous 2: resinous and resinoextractive resinovitreous reticul- or reticulo- also reticuli- combining form L, fr. Gk rh tin resin: resin Retinispora retinoid retinalite retin- or retino- combining form fr. Gk rhynchos more at -: one having a snout, bill, or beak of a specified kind in generic names in zoology Calyptorhynchus rib- or ribo- combining form ribose: related to ribose ribitol riboflavin romano- combining form, usu cap Roman: Roman: Roman and Romano-Etruscan Romano-German romantico- combining form romantic: romantic and romantico-heroic romantico-literary rostr- or rostri- or rostro- combining form L rostr-, fr. Gk saura, sauros: lizard in generic names in zoology Brontosaurus Icthyosaurus saxi- combining form L, fr. Gk skopos: one that watches in generic names -scopy n combining form Gk -skopia, fr. L sebum tallow, grease: fat: grease: sebum sebific seborrhea secret- or secreto- combining form secretion: secretion secretin secretomotor -sect adj combining form L sectus, past part. L sensus sense: sensory: sensory and sensoparalysis sensorimotor -sepalous adj combining form sepal + -ous: having sepals gamosepalous tetrasepalous sept- or septi- combining form L, fr. L serratus serrate: serrate and serratocrenate serratodentate serri- combining form: saw serriferous servo- combining form, usu cap servian: sesqui- combining form L, one and a half, half again, lit. L sinistr-, sinister left, on the left side 1 a: left sinistrad b: better developed in or using preferentially the left sinistrocular 2: levorotatory sinistrin sino- combining form, usu cap F, fr. L somnus sleep + -ambulus as in funambulus funambulist: somnambulism: somnambulist somnambular somni- combining form L, fr. Gk s ma body more at: one having such a body or so many bodies disomus nanosomus son- or soni- or sono- combining form L son-, soni-, fr. L sphaera sphere: ball: sphere chiefly in taxonomic names Microsphaera -speak n combining form newspeak used to form esp. Gk sphingein to bind fast 1: deflection: bending sphingometer 2: sphingomyelin sphingosine sphygmo- combining form Gk, fr. L spongia sponge: network of cells or fibrils neurospongium spongo- combining form Gk spong-, spongo-, fr. Gk stauros pale, stake, cross: cross stauromedusae stauroscope steat- or steato- combining form Gk, fr. Gk st m n warp, thread: having such or so many stamens diplostemonous isostemonous sten- or steno- combining form Gk, fr. L supermore at - 1 a: over surprint surrevise surfuse b: excessive surcloy surexcitation 2: above: up surbase sursum- combining form L susum, sursum under, from below, upwards, fr. Gk tachos speed akin to Gk tachys swift more at -: speed tachogram tachy- combining form Gk, fr. Gk taxis 1: arrangement: order homotaxis 2: taxis chemotaxis heliotaxis thermotaxis -taxy n combining form Gk -taxia, fr. Gk techn art, craft + F -ie -y: technical specialization hydrotechny metallotechny tecno- combining form Gk tekno-, fr.
Echovist has been approved in 1991 for the examination of the right heart and venous system and for hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography after transcervical injection allergy in dogs purchase rhinocort 100mcg on line. Levovist is an improved formulation of Echovist gluten allergy symptoms in 3 year old buy rhinocort 100 mcg cheap, also containing Galactose micro-particles with air but coated with palmitic acid allergy medicine ok for high blood pressure purchase 100 mcg rhinocort with mastercard, making the micro-particles more stable. Levovist micro-particles survive the pulmonary circulation and allow the enhancement of the whole circulation. The agent can be prepared in different concentrations (200, 300 and 400 mg/mL micro-particles in the final suspension). In 1995, Levovist has been approved in Germany and until now in more than 40 countries including most European countries, Canada, China and Japan. Levovist obtained regulatory approval for Doppler enhancement including diagnosis of cardiac, vascular and tumour diseases and for diagnosis of vesiculo-ureteral reflux after transurethral injection. Albunex has been the first transpulmonary agent on the market, approved 1993 in Japan and 1994 in the United States. Optison contains also human albumin coated microbubbles, but containing octafluoropropane gas (perflutren), making the micro-bubbles more stable. Like Albunex, Optison has been developed only for echocardiography (left ventricular opacification) and obtained first approval in 1998 in the United States and later also in most European countries. SonoVue consists of sulphurhexafluoride micro-bubbles surrounded by a flexible phospholipid shell. SonoVue is marketed by Bracco in cooperation with several partners in Europe and China. Definity consists of octafluoropropane (perflutren) micro-bubbles, surrounded by a phospholipid shell. In Europe, a submission for regulatory Contrast Media, Ultrasound, Commercial Products 545 approval has been filed. Imagent consists of tetradecafluorohexane (perflexane) micro-bubbles, surrounded by a phospholipid shell. Imagent has been developed and approved in the United States in 2003 for echocardiography (left ventricular opacification). However, there may be side effects after the injection of any contrast agent, which require a benefit/risk assessment to assure the best possible safety for the patient. The only significant adverse effects reported are hypersensitivity reactions following the injection of the contrast agent. Considering this potential risk (even if the incidence is very low), contraindications were defined for patients having an increased risk in case of a hypersensitivity reaction which is not balanced by a special benefit for this particular patient group. In that case, an infusion pump with a rotating syringe holder is preferable, to avoid rising of the micro-bubbles to the superficial layer due to buoyancy. Adverse Reactions the most common side-effects reported after the injection of ultrasound contrast agents are mild and resolved within a short time without sequelae. They include local reactions at the injection site, headache, nausea, flush and sensations of heat, coldness or altered taste. Such hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylactoid reactions) can be life-threatening and require immediate treatment. Adequately trained staff and emergency equipment should be available for that reason. Pregnancy/Lactation Since the micro-bubbles are not leaving the vascular compartment, there should be no transition into the foetal blood circulation or breast milk. However, as for other contrast agents no special clinical studies were performed in pregnant women. Therefore, the experience in this patient group is limited and special care should be taken. Interactions Since ultrasound contrast agents are administered only for a short time during the diagnostic examination and the elimination from the blood circulation is quite fast (within a few minutes), possible interaction with other medication is limited. From a theoretical point of view, there may be an influence on the bioavailability of drugs given at the same time point, especially if these drugs are able to adhere to albumin or lipid surfaces (depending on the shell of the microbubbles). Therefore, it is recommended to use separate intravenous lines if the contrast agent has to be administered simultaneously with another drug. Use and Dosage Ultrasound contrast agents are usually administered by intravenous bolus injection. Due to the low injection volume, a saline injection for flushing directly after the contrast injection is recommended.
Hematogenous spread from an infective focus elsewhere in the body (endocarditis allergy testing birmingham al order rhinocort with amex, intraabdominal sepsis allergy symptoms red itchy eyes cheap 100mcg rhinocort mastercard, osteomyelitis allergy nasal drip purchase rhinocort american express, or chest infection) is the most common cause of splenic abscess, but it may also occur as direct spread of infection in contiguous areas, such as pancreatitis, retroperitoneal and subphrenic abscesses, and diverticulitis. Finally, in some cases, splenic abscess represents a delayed infective complication of either traumatic lesions or large infarctions of the spleen. Depending on the causative organisms, pyogenic, fungal, and tubercular splenic abscess may be distinguished (1, 2). Pyogenic Abscess the most common organisms obtained from culture of pyogenic abscess are aerobic microbes, in particular the staphylococci, streptococci, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli. At gross examination, most pyogenic splenic abscesses are solitary and unilocular lesions ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. However, in immunocompromised patients, multiple splenic abscesses usually associated with abscess in other viscera are frequently observed. At histopathologic analysis, the abscess cavity is filled with purulent material, while the edges are composed of a chronic inflammatory infiltrate and fibrous tissue. Depending on the stage, suppuration, liquefaction with presence of debris, and fibrosis are found at microscopic analysis. Fungal abscesses are multiple small lesions, typically only a few millimeters in diameter and often also involving the liver and, occasionally, the kidney (1). The typical histological pattern of splenic candidiasis is characterized by microabscesses, with fungi in the center of the lesion and a surrounding area of necrosis and polymorphonuclear infiltrate; in the healing stage there is a fibrotic evolution of the lesions. Definition Infectious diseases of the spleen are related to splenic phagocytic immune functions and are characterized by primary splenic abscess. Pathology and Histopathology Splenic abscess is a rare condition that tends to occur in patients with predisposing factors such as preceding pyogenic infection, immunodeficiency, and contiguous disease in the pancreas. Several different mechanisms are Tuberculosis Tuberculosis of the spleen is rarely seen in isolation and is more frequently seen as part of a multifocal or Spleen, Infectious Diseases 1723 disseminated disease. The causative organism is Mycobacterium tuberculosis or, particularly in immunocompromised hosts, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. Splenic involvement usually occurs by hematogenous spread of infection in the form of microabscesses in a miliary tuberculosis pattern, which can become calcified, or, rarely, as larger abscesses or granulomas (4). Clinical Presentation the clinical presentation is often subtle and diagnosis delayed (1). Fever, left upper abdominal pain, pleuritic chest pain, and malaise are the most common symptoms. The most important findings at physical examination are left upper quadrant tenderness and splenomegaly. The wheel-within-a-wheel appearance is observed when the central hyperechoic portion becomes necrotic and hypoechoic (2). Tuberculosis Splenic tuberculosis can occur in the form of microabscesses or in the form of larger abscesses or granulomas. Intraabscess gas may be observed and is indicative of infection by gas-producing agents. These features are similar to those for abscess in other abdominal organs and are not pathognomonic for splenic abscess. Depending on the stage of abscess development, abscesses may be clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissue and have a ringlike, sharply marginated wall. Figure 1 At magnetic resonance imaging, the abscesses appear as areas of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging (a) and decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted imaging (b) on a postcontrast T1-weighted image, (c) the lesions show a slight peripheral enhancement. S Fungal Abscess Typically, splenic abscesses are observed in immunosuppressed patients and have a miliary distribution appearing on imaging as multiple small splenic lesions. Particularly, 99m-Technetium sulfur-colloid liver and spleen scanning is the scintigraphic technique most commonly used and shows a focal photopenic defect or delayed uptake, while on 67-Gallium citrate scans a focal uptake in the spleen-occasionally with a perisplenic halo-is usually observed (1). Diagnosis Early diagnosis and timely treatment reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with splenic abscess. There are several differential diagnoses, including splenic infarct, pseudocysts, hematomas, and tumors. The presence of a gas or fluid level within the spleen, although quite rare, is pathognomonic for pyogenic infection, while multiple small, hypovascular splenic lesions in immunocompromised patients are highly suggestive for fungal abscess (1, 3).
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