Project Portfolio Management tools will help to identify and plan the highest priority projects for IT to undertake. The proposed portfolio plan can then be checked against the resource requirements to determine if the portfolio plan can be accomplished with the planned level of resources. A separate portfolio of IT and software development projects can be defined within PD-Trak apart from any other types of projects managed by PD-Trak.
Common Project Processes are defined in PD-Trak which enables a consistent approach to how IT and software development projects are executed. We provide best practices-based process template for IT projects that facilitates the development of an efficient process. Separate processes can be established for different types of IT or software development projects and different development methodologies. These well-defined, standard processes ensures consistent performance of key process steps and deliverables and enables rapid project start-up since IT personnel will know what is expected of them.
Project Management Tools include detailed project budgeting, project scheduling, risk management, and action item tracking. These capabilities ensure projects are adequately planned and efficiently executed with a minimum of project management effort whether managed by experienced project managers, IT personnel or software developers.
Resource Planning and Management or capacity planning capabilities allow a high-level project resource plan to be quickly developed in an early stage while a project is initially being investigated. Resource demand planning can be refined as the project plan is further developed. A multi-project resource plan can then be readily assessed and project priorities, schedules, and resources adjusted as needed. This is key to preventing resources from becoming overloaded and, as a result, project schedules falling behind.