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The upper quartzarenite is generally very-light gray to mens health best cheap casodex 50 mg mastercard yellowish-gray prostate cancer proton therapy discount casodex 50 mg overnight delivery, fine to mens health gift guide casodex 50mg with visa coarse grained, thin to very-thick bedded with large tabular to planar cross-beds, conglomeratic near the base, and flaggy to blocky. The upperpartof the unitis finer grained, non-conglomeratic, and mors uniform bedded than the lower part. Conglomerate beds are irregular and discontinuous, generally less than 5 feet thick, with inegular pebble lags along scour channels. The sample was collected from a 30-foot-thick interval exposed in a road cut east of the highway. Five samples from the upper quaflzarenite of the Mid- dlesboro Member were collected and analyzed for potential use as coarse aggregate. Los Angeles abrasion loss ranged Location: the upperquartzarenite of the Middlesboro Member was sampled 4. Eight samples from the Fido Sandstone, andpennington, Hinton, and Lee Formations qualified as non-polishing aggegate for use in an asphalt surface course. This is contrary to the generally accepted conclusion that sandstones from the Valley and Ridge and Appalachian Plateaus provinces of southwestern Virginia could not meet the required physical properties specifications. Evaluation of the Clinch and Wildcat Valley Sandstones, and selected portions of the Hinton and Lee Formations indicate that these rocks may not be good sources of high quality aggegate. Ins Angeles abrasion and soundness loss testresults for samples from the Hinton and Lee Formations collected along the southeast flank of the Pine Mountain fault block show much variation. The folded and faulted rocks along the axis and overnrned south limb of the Stone Moun[ain syncline tend tobe much harderand moreresistant to weathering, and have a lower Los Angeles abrasion loss (indicating a more competent and higher quality aggregate) than relatively flatlying rocks on the north limb of the Stone Mountain syncline. The sandstones on the north limb tend to be more weatlered and friable, and have a higher lns Angeles abrasion loss (indicating a less competent and lower quality aggegate). The folded and faulted rocks on the overhrned south limb of the syncline have apparently undergone additional sructural stresses and compression which have enhanced the physical properties of hardness and resistance. Sample 60C-4 lncation: the upperquartzarenite of ttre Mddlesboro Member was sampled 4. Dp$pdo$on: the quartzarenite is moderately indurated io friable, light gray to yellowish-gray, fine to medium grained, thin to thick bedded, and flaggy to blocky. Laboratory anal),ses: the sand is fine grained, subrounded, and moderately well sorted with small quartz pebbles. Description: the quartzarenite is well indurated to friable, very-light gray to light brownish-gray, fine to coarse grained, the upperquartzareniteof the Middlesboro Member was sampled 7. Well-rounded spherical to oval quartz pebUles as lfulty Results of ttris study indicate that selected sandstones in Scott County have very gmd potential to be a source of nonpolishing aggegate. I:boratory test results show there are variations in the quality of aggregate between the different formations, and within each formation or member. For this reason, adetailedgeologic evaluation of all sandstone deposits should be made before commercial development. Averi$, Paul, 1941, the Early Grove gas field, Scofi and Washington Counties, Virginia: Virginia Geological Survey Bulletin 56, 50 p. Buus, Charles, 1940, Geology of the Appalachian Valley in Virginia:Viryinia Geological Survey Bulletin 52, pt. Geologic map of Virginia 1963: VirginiaDivision ofMineral Resources, scale 1;500,000. National Crushed Stone Associatton,1972, Flexible pavement design guide for highways, Washington, D. Virginia Department of Transportation, 1987, Road and bridge specifications: Virginia DeparEnent of Transportation, 721p. Limestones and dolostones fum a large portion of the surface formations in the Valley and Ridge province of Virginia. Minor occurrences of carbonate rocks are also found in the Piedmontprovince as limestoneand marbleand in the Coastal Plain province as shell deposits. In 1987,52 quarries and 2 underground mines produced 21,U2,600 short tons of carbonate material. Major uses for high-purity limestone supplied by Virginia operations include lime to treat water and sewage, in the paper and steel industries, and for agricultural use to stabilize soil and to enhance its fertility.
If tax reserves assumed in the projection are set equal to prostate cancer 3 monthly injection casodex 50mg online Working Reserves and if tax reserves actually exceed Working Reserves at the beginning of the projection prostate 800 purchase 50 mg casodex otc, a tax adjustment is required prostate 81 generic casodex 50mg line. A tax adjustment is not required in the following situations: Tax reserves are projected directly; that is, it is not assumed that projected tax reserves are equal to Working Reserves, whether these are cash values or other approximations. Tax reserves at the beginning of the projection period are equal to Working Reserves. In this case the modeled tax results are overstated each year for reserves in the projection, as well as the projected tax results reversed at the time of claim. At each such duration, the ratio of the number of contracts in force (or covered lives for group contracts) to the number of contracts in force (or covered lives) at the start of the modeling projection is calculated. A Standard Scenario Amount shall be determined for all of the contracts under the scope described in the June 2005 report, "Recommended Approach for Setting Risk-Based Capital Requirements for Variable Annuities and Similar products". The Standard Scenario Method requires a single projection of account values based on specified returns on the assets supporting the account values. On the valuation date an initial drop is applied to the account values based on the supporting assets. Subsequently, account values are projected at the rate earned on supporting assets less a margin. In addition, if the Conditional Tail Expectation Amount in the Report is determined based on a projection of an inforce prior to the statement date and/or by the use of a model office, which is a grouping of contracts into representative cells, then additional determinations of the Standard Scenario Amount shall be performed on the prior inforce and/or model office. The calculations are for illustrative purposes to assist in validating the reasonableness of the projection and or the model office and to determine the significance of aggregation. The Standard Scenario Amounts required are based on how the Conditional Tail Expectation projection or Alternative Methodology is applied. For completeness, the table also includes the Standard Scenario Amount required by paragraph I(A)(3). Standard Scenario Amounts in rows A and B in Table A are required of all companies subject to paragraph I(A)(3). A company that uses a model office as of the statement date to determine its stochastic or alternative methodology result must provide the Standard Scenario Amount for the model office. Aggregate valuation on the statement date on inforce contracts required in I(A)(3) B. Aggregate valuation on a prior inforce date of a model office Guideline Variations None None: Compare to A If not material to model office validation If not material to projection validation If not material to model office or projection validation. No modification is allowed for row B as of the statement date unless the Domiciliary Commissioner approved such modification as necessary to produce a reasonable result under the corresponding amount in row A. Where not inconsistent with the guidance given here, the process and methods used to determine results under the Standard Scenario Method shall be the same as required in the calculation under the modeling methodology required by the Report. Any additional assumptions needed to apply the Standard Scenario Method to the inforce shall be explicitly documented. C) the actuary shall determine the projected reinsurance premiums and benefits reflecting all treaty limitations and assuming any options in the treaty to the other party are exercised to decrease the value of reinsurance to the reporting company. The positive value of any reinsurance treaty that is not guaranteed to the insurer or its successor shall be excluded from the value of reinsurance. The commissioner may require the exclusion of any portion of the value of reinsurance if the terms of the reinsurance treaties are too restrictive. The bases for return assumptions on assets supporting account values are shown in Table I. The Initial returns shall be applied to the account values assigned to each asset class on the valuation date as immediate drops, resulting in the Account Values at time 0. The "Year 1" and "Year 2+" returns are gross annual effective rates of return and are used (along with other decrements and/or increases) to produce the Account Values as of the end of each projection year. For purposes of this section, money market funds shall be considered part of the Bond class. The Fixed Fund rate is the greater of the minimum rate guaranteed in the contract or 3.
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Dittmeier suggested 365 be used for the barcode so this generally falls in the same order with the Medicare Supplement schedule prostate cancer 58 years old discount casodex 50 mg overnight delivery. McGuckin mens health 17 day abs buy casodex overnight, the Working Group unanimously adopted the modifications for a document identification number and a barcode number for this item man health product purchase casodex 50 mg with mastercard. Hurt, the Working Group unanimously adopted the modified proposal (Attachment Three-G). Woodroof explained this proposal was being made to require life and fraternal companies to report the tax on unrealized gains as an inset item on the summary of operations, consistent with current requirements for other reporting entities. Cooper noted that interested parties had suggested certain changes to the proposal related to mortgage loans, which she agreed were appropriate and which had been incorporated into the modified proposal. McGuckin, the Working Group unanimously adopted the modifications for a document identification number and a bar code number into this item. Fry, the Working Group unanimously adopted the modified proposal (Attachment ThreeI). Glover stated the sponsor of this proposal has requested this item to be considered for adoption for the 2006 annual statement, even though the Working Group had not previously exposed the proposal. Johnson stated the proposal also helps clarify that the Actuarial Opinion Summary should not be attached or included with the regular actuarial opinion. Johnson responded that the issue was exactly the same, and added that the Blanks Working Group could make a change for that issue because the life and health actuarial memorandum is bound by state law, and is not part of the Annual Statement Instructions requirements like the property/casualty Actuarial Opinion Summary. Glover announced that this proposal had been withdrawn at the request of the sponsor. Johnson stated this proposal adds a line and a column to exhibit of capital gains and losses to separate out the tax effect of these items, as well as separate out the foreign exchange-related unrealized gains and losses. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group and is being made to conform the Annual Statement Instructions with the administrative symbols already adopted by the Valuation of Securities Task Force for certain types of stocks. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group and was being made to create subtotal lines for the existing credit quality designations of counterparties. Weaver reported this proposal was a clean-up proposal for the cash flow statement to remove the possibility of reporting losses incurred with commissions and other expenses as currently indicated. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group and was being made to replace the reference to market value with fair value. Merlo stated this proposal is to add a government affairs contact person to the electronic filing of the jurat page in order to facilitate the use of electronic communication for non-financial information. McCarter stated this proposal is to clarify which government securities can be excluded from this question of the interrogatories. Stevensen stated this proposal was developed jointly by the American Academy of Actuaries and the Long-Term Care Experience Subgroup of the Accident and Health Working Group of the Life and Health Actuarial Task Force. He stated the purpose of the proposal was to provide more information as it relates to the actual claim experience of the company when compared with the projected experience. Stevensen noted the proposal was the result of more than a year of work between the industry and the Subgroup, and it has mutual support. Stevensen noted two changes that should be made to the proposal before being exposed: 1) on Page 261, the first statement at the top should be deleted; 2) on Page 263, the line for Comprehensive should not be indented. Felice noted that the comments previously made by interested parties on the supplement schedule were specific to this proposal. Weller to attempt to come up with a compromise that would work for the industry and regulators in monitoring this new product. Armstrong explained this proposal was being submitted to increase consistent reporting, as many companies are already reporting these prepaid items in this fashion in Schedule F, Part 3. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group and was being made to clarify that only the proportionate amount of income associated with the securities reported on the schedule need to be reported. Green stated that before the item is exposed, he requested to modify the proposal to replace "on July 1, 1984, or with "prior to " July 1, 1984, and also to add a comma after subsequently renewed. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group and was being made because of the problems many regulators have in using the annual statement since the electronic pages were developed. Johnson stated the Subgroup had provided two options for the Working Group to consider in addressing this issue and asked that the Working Group consider which option would be preferred during the exposure period. Johnson stated this proposal was developed by the Investment Schedules Subgroup of the Blanks Working Group to clarify where to report non-rated short-term and cash-equivalent bonds, because many companies did not know where to report these type of items. Johnson stated this proposal was developed to add an index back into the statement so items could be more easily found.
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