Stage/Phase-Gate Process – Best Practices Templates
The stage/phase-gate process is the framework for implementing a structured project management process. The stage/phase-gate process defines a sequence of phases and gates that each project must pass through, providing a road map for the consistent, successful execution of projects. Having a well-defined project process helps organizations in two ways: 1) it minimizes the risk that the project team will overlook important tasks that are needed for project success and 2) it defines the points at which the management team will assess progress and make decisions whether to continue investing in the project. The process guides the project team to provide the information necessary to support this decision-making process.
PD-Trak Solutions offers a variety of predefined stage/phase-gate process templates (project process templates) that contain best practices-based process definitions, and each contains a set of tools that are optimized for managing that particular type of project. The Task Plans capture the stage/phase-gate terminology, phase objectives, tasks by phase, documents by phase, and responsibilities.
This page describes predefined project process templates offered by PD-Trak Solutions. These templates may be adjusted to ideally fit your company environment and project needs. Note that the PD-Trak Project Portfolio Management System include a capability to create your own process template and optimized project toolkit.